Sunday, February 04, 2007

Echo’s of the Past

I ramble on quite allot and I haven’t had one of these rambling sessions in a while so bare with me here.

Echos of the past

Every person is looking for individuality in this world, but can we really be unique? Or are we mere replicas of one another telling our own stories with echoes of people that have come before us? Where is our true voice? Does it have to come out of the place where song comes from? Or is our voice in out eyes, ears, footsteps and fingertips. If we cannot be original then what can we be? Do we tell our stories from our point of view adding our mark to the ones that came before? We are stained by the past, is that good or bad? I really can’t answer that question. I can only find myself between the plethora of souls and ask the question of what new perspective can I bring that I myself have not seen out there. I want to be a mirror with a voice and not a mere reflection.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I came across your photo "Arti$t Palete" recently on Flickr and really fell in love with it -- so rich and evocative. I was wondering if you'd be willing to allow my church to use the image as a background on our new webiste that we're calling reimagine worship. The idea is that worship of God is something that can be creative, in process, evocative and beautiful.

We promise we wouldn't use it to make any money -- we're just a local church, not a corporation or anything. We'd just like it to help inspire people to reimagine what worship can really be.

Would you consider giving us permission to us your beautiful image in this way?

God's blessings.

~Pastor Fred Nelson
Redeemer Church
Park Ridge, IL USA (outside Chicago)