Monday, October 01, 2007

A vision of something that once was

A hot humid Ramadan night, I walk along the paths of old Dubai, trying to find a familiar face in this part of town. The houses are still there, the names on the signs are the same, but it’s all a blur. It feels deserted, where is the hustle & bustle? The shop keepers calling on the people welcoming them in. The smell of fresh coffee brewing in the distance is a welcomed sign. Children take turns riding their bicycles in the small winding streets. A culture that once was, is breathing the contemporary air, it has a new scent, a flavor of the new but with a pungent spice of the old. I get goose-bumps walking along those tiny streets; I get choked up just remembering…

1 comment:

Moey said...

nice post, reminds me of old kuwaiti market too, nice blog & nice flickr account.
