Thursday, September 13, 2007

Ramadan Kareem رمضان كريم

Ramadan is a month not only about fasting from sunrise to sunset, but it helps train a person to be the best they can possibly be by being good, moral peace keeping people.

During Ramadan I realize I am most aware about what I say, especially because I am someone who swears a lot in moments of frustration, but in Ramadan I know I have to hold my tongue, or I wouldn't be fasting. Throughout this time I reflect on people and this world as well as the afterlife. The most significant question I ask myself is how can I serve this world the best way I possibly can either in a small or big way? Since for me I see the physical world as a test; this test is what decides on where I will reside in the hereafter.

This year I would like to suggest something to my non Muslim friends here on flickr, to at least try one day of fasting. What I mean when I say fasting is, waking up before sunrise and having breakfast, and not breaking that fast with water or any type of food and most importantly any swearing or fowl language until the sun sets the same night.

If any of you try it, please share your story with us. I’m curious to see what fasting means to a person who has never done it since they were children.

I wish you all without exception ..
(Muslims, Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Atheists..... every life form on earth)
رمضان كريم Ramadan Kareem.
May we come out of it as better versions of ourselves, benefiting ourselves and the ones around us.

Again I say Ramadan Kareem to you all

(Salam. Peace)

Ramadan Kareem رمضان كريم

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