Wednesday, March 08, 2006

New to the world of blogging...

Im new to the world of blogging and bloggers but i have always appreciated alot of what i have read or seen on bloggs. I am going to use this space as a window to my mental brainstorming especialy in the world of "art" however one defines it. I find that whenever an issue is articulated by the person who is contemplating it becomes clear to them, whether they talk to people about it or write the information down. It is seperated from the inner workings of one's mind and put right in front of them confronting them, just like this particular moment, everything happened spontaineously. i thought for a while about this, and today i just dived into this dimension that i have not explored much but am willing to learn.

I will be posting some artworks i have done and simply articulating them or i will be brainstorming work i am creating at the moment or wanting to create.

words help me develop..

1st thought of today is to me "art is an opinion" some agree that one thing is art and some completely disagree! So could an idea without even being created be an art piece? or the idea of the idea?... its a dilema.. i know..

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